i just read about this article.."langsing dengan nombor??" yeah.. to those who want to have an hourglass body, better check these out..
1) 1 senduk nasi
-wut the #%%&0*&!!! i used to have 2 and half senduk!!!
2)1 gelas jus
-i will only drink jus when my father made it..
3)2 biji epal
- no wonder nadiah bought apples.. maybe she already read dis article..
4)2 susu gelas setiap hari
-yaikss!!!!! hate susu...
5)3 keping roti
-why not 3 bungkus nasi lemak?? lol..
6)5 minit tarik nafas
-wah... i feel like learning how to swim...
7)jam 7 untuk makan malam
-dis seems easy.. yup... no problem..
8)8 gelas air kosong
-wah.. dis one is so hard... if air coke, then i'll be the first to try..
9)9 anak tangge
-i feel like i'm an idiot...
10) 10 minit regangan
-dis one might be easy........
11)14 cawan teh seminggu
i dun drink teh.. tq..
12)28 hari atur pemakanan sihat
-dis article is getting tooo demanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i think i better take one step at a time.. yeah.. 1 senduk nasi... insyaAllah.. but no promises though...hehehhe:P