Saturday, July 18, 2009


yay!! i just went back from kiki and nina birthday celebration.. i knew them from caring club... Well, the club has organised this event.. my stomach is so full right now!!! i ate 3 ketul ayam and 2 sausages!!! yummy!!! thanx to those who invite me!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

liyana's pizza..

today, my mother asked me to make pizza bread.. because that is my expertise, she asked me to make two doughs.. one for nadia and her housemates and another one is for the whole family.. though it was very3x tiring, i enjoy making it... imran my nephew also enjoy watching me sieving the flour... he said,"eh, auntie buat ape 2?? auntie buat pasir ke??" that's imran.. always asking questions.. and what i learn today is.. high protein flour makes a fluffier dough compared to bread flour.. tell then.. buzz out~~

Monday, July 6, 2009

how 2 be slim??

i just read about this article.."langsing dengan nombor??" yeah.. to those who want to have an hourglass body, better check these out..

1) 1 senduk nasi
-wut the #%%&0*&!!! i used to have 2 and half senduk!!!

2)1 gelas jus
-i will only drink jus when my father made it..

3)2 biji epal
- no wonder nadiah bought apples.. maybe she already read dis article..

4)2 susu gelas setiap hari
-yaikss!!!!! hate susu...

5)3 keping roti
-why not 3 bungkus nasi lemak?? lol..

6)5 minit tarik nafas
-wah... i feel like learning how to swim...

7)jam 7 untuk makan malam
-dis seems easy.. yup... no problem..

8)8 gelas air kosong
-wah.. dis one is so hard... if air coke, then i'll be the first to try..

9)9 anak tangge
-i feel like i'm an idiot...

10) 10 minit regangan
-dis one might be easy........

11)14 cawan teh seminggu
i dun drink teh.. tq..

12)28 hari atur pemakanan sihat
-dis article is getting tooo demanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well i think i better take one step at a time.. yeah.. 1 senduk nasi... insyaAllah.. but no promises though...hehehhe:P

Thursday, July 2, 2009

rEsErVoir of tHouGhts..

due to the boringness i've loads of thoughts that entangled in my mind.. i've been thinking... raye is just around the corner.. when i will be able to do the shopping?? what should i buy??
a pair of baju kurung is enuf..
tudung is a must..
one t-shirt..
one blouse..
and what else???
hmmm.. what else... come on... think2..
ha........ jeans.... i need a jeans or jean?? hehehe...
shoes??? nah... my last year heels is still beautiful as she will forever...
will RM250 be enuf?? enuf la.. should be enuf.. kasi cincai kire la tu...
till then.. buzz out~~