Saturday, February 19, 2011

stalking pretty girls is not felonious!!!!

i lurrrrvvvvveeeeee stalking pretty girls.... is dis normal?? coz some of my frens says that this is not normal for a girl... are we allowed??? nah... who cares... i like to stalk ika from radiusite and fatin liyana asri... (if u know them) well, they are not actually a celebrity but they are damn preeeeeeetttttttyyyyyyyyyy.... i love the way they dress up, the way they present themselves.... most guys will definitely like to stalk pretty girls too but do they stalk other guys?? hahahha... i don't think so... so don't get me wrong here... i dun think i have any interest in a same-sex-relationship... but i think there are loads of girls out there have the same habits as me.. especially my sister... so, is stalking pretty girls is considered as fellony??

Friday, February 11, 2011

berita terkini..

assalamualaikum..(budget budak uia.. ngehehehehe) saje nak letak my latest update to readers.. permasalahan pade blog before dis dah pun dapat di solve kan... saye CONFIRM akan keje dulu... x mo r sambung master... kite cari pengalaman dulu rr... and the latest update: saye sedang GEMAR membace dan mengumpul novel... just finished reading HANDLE WITH CARE by Jodi Picoult... sangat best... sekarang tgh geram kat buku2 yang dpt award winning... gile stereotype kan.. ngahahaha... only book with award winning je yang akan saye beli.. sedang dalam proses pengumpulan... harap dapat memenuhkan rak.. sesiapa yang minat bace novel2 english bley la pinjam dari saye... tapi dgn syarat... i want to borrow yours too... ngahahahaha...