skarang mood saye ialah MARAH. sgt. sgt3x.. i feel like crying.. n most of the time when i need that 'someone', he isn't there.. azuan shah ismail WHERE R U???!!!!!! apesal kol x angkat???? @$%$%..
n to the person who made me angry... TAHNIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dun know what 2 say.... u really dun appreaciate me are u??? dari dulu sampai skarang, sume bende yang saye buat sume salah... boleh x jage hati saye ni sket... i tried my very best to not make u sad or angry.... ape salah saye lagi?? kalo bley, tolong listkan awal2, n i hope i can fix it... n sorry for everything i did.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
buhbye erican...
finally... one of my nightmare will soon go away.. buhbye erican language centre... hahaha.. i've been working as a part timer in erican for almost 3 months.. n finally tomorrow is my last day..
although i only worked for weekends but it left me with thousands of memories (good and bad) *and most of the time, bad.*
i worked as a front desk.. i have to pick up calls, prepare files, books, cd for the teachers... to open and close the centre... receive any payments from the students... and also to become a 'maid' for some students...
i've been paid RM5 per hour.. and normally i got RM 175 per month.. okla, since i only work during weekends..
i've been scolded for wasting A4 papers... i've been treated as i dun know anything, as i dun understand english... i've been treated as a maid..(open n close the car's door + carry her bag for this little student).. people talked about me in mandarin... haiisyyy... so many... sobsobsob...
but there are also good memories in erican.. i got many chinesse frens Ms. June, Ms.Wong, Carrie and Lee..
Ms. June said i've been really2 good and helpful.. and she feels so sad that i'm leaving.. she also said i have a very good memory!! wahh.. dis is the 1st time people told me that..
and also the young learners... wah.. i will surely miss them.. they always play games with me..
unique thing is, they sometimes speak mandarin and i can understand them!!
well tomorrow i will leave erican at 2.30pm sharp.. bubbye erican... thank you for everything...:)
although i only worked for weekends but it left me with thousands of memories (good and bad) *and most of the time, bad.*
i worked as a front desk.. i have to pick up calls, prepare files, books, cd for the teachers... to open and close the centre... receive any payments from the students... and also to become a 'maid' for some students...
i've been paid RM5 per hour.. and normally i got RM 175 per month.. okla, since i only work during weekends..
i've been scolded for wasting A4 papers... i've been treated as i dun know anything, as i dun understand english... i've been treated as a maid..(open n close the car's door + carry her bag for this little student).. people talked about me in mandarin... haiisyyy... so many... sobsobsob...
but there are also good memories in erican.. i got many chinesse frens Ms. June, Ms.Wong, Carrie and Lee..
Ms. June said i've been really2 good and helpful.. and she feels so sad that i'm leaving.. she also said i have a very good memory!! wahh.. dis is the 1st time people told me that..
and also the young learners... wah.. i will surely miss them.. they always play games with me..
unique thing is, they sometimes speak mandarin and i can understand them!!
well tomorrow i will leave erican at 2.30pm sharp.. bubbye erican... thank you for everything...:)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
pleaseee... (ayat imran bile nak ambik gambar instead of cheeessseeee...)
olaaa... saje je nak mengupdate blog.. today i got mc.. so, dis is the chance to update my blog.. hahahaha... x de benda nak cakap, just want to share few of my photos here.. gambar2 yang sempat diambil ketika saye berada di luar penjara UIA selama 3 bulan ni...

ni time keje part time kat erican language centre.. boss x de.. so ape lagi..:P

kat alamanda.. jalan2 jap ngan yayang..

ni saje je nak sakat budak lelaki ni.. die pemalu sangat.. so kitorang pun paksa die ambik gambar.. btw, die budak myanmar.. same2 keje time aku praktikal kat genetec..

hahahah.. poyo jap.. ni gambar time praktikal kat genetec.. aku tgh check dimension gune mesin favourite aku ni.. name die digimar machine..

sofea.. x tau la die ni ikut muke sape.. norli ke wajik ek??

imran n bapak die.. same2 senget..:P

our beautiful monster!!

abang sayang adik... aceceh..

ni time keje part time kat erican language centre.. boss x de.. so ape lagi..:P

kat alamanda.. jalan2 jap ngan yayang..

ni saje je nak sakat budak lelaki ni.. die pemalu sangat.. so kitorang pun paksa die ambik gambar.. btw, die budak myanmar.. same2 keje time aku praktikal kat genetec..

hahahah.. poyo jap.. ni gambar time praktikal kat genetec.. aku tgh check dimension gune mesin favourite aku ni.. name die digimar machine..
sofea.. x tau la die ni ikut muke sape.. norli ke wajik ek??
imran n bapak die.. same2 senget..:P
our beautiful monster!!
abang sayang adik... aceceh..
Thursday, June 10, 2010
x tau yang mane satu...

plzz help me to choose....
saye sgt suke kedua2 hp di atas...
n betul2 berhajat ingin memiliki salah satu (samsung corby pro/new lg cookies)...
corby is rm 899 once, but recently i asked, the price has gone up oledi to rm1099.. damn.. i should buy earlier..
lg is rm930 but i can get rm900..
not only that, lg has 5mp, wifi, mp4, gps and 3 inch display...
corby has slide feature which make it looks more coolio... hahaha..
i think i oledi got the answer..
afterall this is why writting blog is good.. u write all the things u want to say and all the problems u have and eventually the problem is solved!!!
its funny how things work, i asked opinion from whom i dun know but b4 they could answer i oledi solve the problem..
hahaha.. how cool is dat??
kenape ske sangat ni liyana..
hehehhe... maybe sebab ayah saye support rm200 untuk beli hp?? hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... ADEN X CAYO!!!!!! apesal ayah tibe2 murah hati ni.... neway, thanx dad!!! HARHARHARHARHARHAR.... HUAHUHAUHAUHAUHAUHUA...
Friday, June 4, 2010
x paham..
hari ni terlampau banyak emosi yang dikeluarkan sehingga otak dah konpius.. what actually do i feel today?? rase hati sangat x sedap..
a) bersalah..- dah janji tapi saye terpakse cancelkan..
b) malu + happy.. - sebab yayang buat surprise kat opis saye..(bukan saye je yg surprise.. sume orang pun surprise gak ngan kehadiran bunga di post guard)
c) takut - sebab saye curi2 potostat dokumen opis..
d) gelabah - sebab saye x prepare pape pun lagi untuk presentation..
kesimpulannye, too many emotions spoil ur mood for dat day.. but i really appreciate yayang's effort to win my heart.. thanks..:)
a) bersalah..- dah janji tapi saye terpakse cancelkan..
b) malu + happy.. - sebab yayang buat surprise kat opis saye..(bukan saye je yg surprise.. sume orang pun surprise gak ngan kehadiran bunga di post guard)
c) takut - sebab saye curi2 potostat dokumen opis..
d) gelabah - sebab saye x prepare pape pun lagi untuk presentation..
kesimpulannye, too many emotions spoil ur mood for dat day.. but i really appreciate yayang's effort to win my heart.. thanks..:)
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