wahhh.... enak sungguh perasaan berchoti ni.... it has been almost 1 week n only now i got the chance to update my blog.. bukannye sebab x dapat access the net, tapi internet dirumah ini terlampau laju sehingga x de mase nak update blog... wahahahaha... mane x nye, 24/7 dok hadap youtube... the signal is excellent!!! x payah tggu loading... hebat x?? thanks to my dad... die baru activatekan balik wifi kat rumah ni... so, aku pun dok hadapla kumpulan korea favourite aku ni... 2pm... they are too handsome and i can't resist!!!! hari ni baru update blog coz sume program yang ade 2pm ni aku dah habis tgk... selain tgk bebudak ni, aku pun ade gak jejalan... i feel like buying new specs and there you go my dear money... aku beli spec baru... mahal gile weyh.... i didn't expect it to be sooooooooooooooo damn expensive.. aku budget 400 je... last2...???? another rm600 is being cut from my asb account...ape nak buat... rabun aku ni makin lame makin teruk... the price of the spec itself is not too high but the lenses!!! dah la rabun, silau pun tinggi gak.. pastu x kan aku nak pakai kanta yang stok tebal nak mampus tu.. of course i have to choose the thinnest lenses... makin thin the lens makin mahal la... adui aii.. next interesting story... well, my sis (nadia) has landed to malaysia... wahh.. ape lagi..aku pun tuntut hadiah la... heheheheh.. dapat la beg satu... chantekk.....:)
hmmm... stakat ni tu je la kot major stories aku time choti ni... patutnye aku naik sem baru 11 hb dec.... tapi aku saje nak balik awal.. maybe 1 dec kot.. i have to do my final year project, the earlier i start, the better coz there are so many red tapes!!!! kene pg lab tu la, lab ni la.... baik aku start awal.. tapi perkare yang paling menakutkan adela, i will spent a lot of my time in xrd lab... habisla... lepas ni kalo muke akau agak2 nampak tua tu, paham2 jela eh.. terkene radiasi la kot...(mintak dijauhkan)..hhahahahaha... alrite folks.. dats all 4 today.. c u letta...;P