just so you know i love baking... but i only bake two things; chocalate cake and pizza bread... but today, i would like to share pizza bread receipe and also some tips to make it perfect.. It is so simple, u should try it!!
High protein flour (kalo x de gne tepung roti, jgn gne tepung gandum nanti x lembut) -325g
Gula -60g
Gula -60g
Telur - 1 biji
Yeast - 10 g (pakai soft-instant yeast, jgn pakai mauri-pan)
Garam -sket je.. dlm 3g
Air - 135g
Butter -30g
Shortening -25g (kalo x de, gantikan ngan butter je)
Chilli sauce
Mixed vege (ganti ngan bwg besar atau cili *capsicum)
Sausage -5 ketul
1) Place all the ingredients into the mixing bowl, use hook to beat untill well combine into a pliable dough.
2) Pastu biarkan dough tu kembang sampai size die jd double dari bentuk asal
3) Divide dough tu ikut suke korang.. dlm 40g dah comey dah... pastu flatten, spread some egg on the surface, leave dough to rinse for 10 minutes.
4) sapu chilli sauce, letak mix vege, sausage, chesse n last skali letak mayonis.. (nak hasil yang lawa, letak mayonis tu dlm piping bag, pastu baru picit atas pizza)
5) Bakar dlm oven yang dah dipanaskan. Temp: 190 degree celcius Time: 12 minutes (depends gak la, agak2 warne die dah tukar jadi golden colour, kite dah bley angkat)