Monday, November 30, 2009

off you go...

well, starting from tomorrow i have no maid anymore.. great... if she's around, she only give my dad headache.. hahahha.. my dad just had a big war with that indonesian maid... what my dad asked her to do, she will never do.. not only that, she is pretty much rude i can say.. she will and always will have the guts to fight back when my dad scolded her.. for example..
"depan tu dah sapu blum??"
"habis tu kenape saye nampak bulu kucing lagi??"
"itu bukan bulu kucing..."
"itu bulu kucing..!!"
"bukan bulu kucing.."
who cares what is that anyways... can't she just sweep the floor without having to reply every single sentence???!!!
ape dah...

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