Tuesday, January 25, 2011

how my future will be???

god.. i'm totally confuse... dah last sem tapi still x decide arah tujuan.. nak sambung master ke nak keje.. hati ni memang berat nak sambung.. n i'm deadly serious about this.. i've searched in the web for universities that best suits me.. n lastly, i decided to stay in uia.. pastu hari tu aku mintak la pendapat kakak master ni.. die sungguh2 suruh aku keje.. pulak dah.. the reason behind it: uia has many foreign lecturers and that makes them even harder to get grant from the government.. ok fine.. then the second reason: to take master, u have to earn 3.3 pointer which is way too high compared to other universities' requirements.. dan die cakap sambung master x de life.. x bley pegang duit sendri.. bile aku pikir2 balik, dah la degree pun dok bawah ketiak ptptn, x kan nak sambung master pun nak berhutang lagi kot.. that's it.. money always be the problem.. then i decided to give up.. cari keje je la.. bley pegang duit sendri.. pastu tetibe ade akak master lagi satu bagitaw aku yang ade sorang lecturer ni perlukan ra(research assistant)... n she says that i can use dis opportunity to do master.. besides, this lecturer really,really (i mean like REALLY) need ra immediately... so i went to see her... die cakap die nak buat projek pasal "fire retardance composite" which is really related to what i'm studying right now.. die cakap barang sume dah ade, tggl nak jalankan research je.. tapi satu je masalahnye... MONEY.. she said she can only give me RM500.. can u believe that??!! mcm mane la aku nak survive.. penat2 perah otak buat research, die bg 500 je... aduii aii.. then i asked my parents' opinion... they said it does not worth it... they told me to find a job first... tapi itula jawapan yang aku bagi kat lecturer ni... tau x ape jawapan die?? die cakap itu parents aku yang suruh, bukan kehendak aku sendiri... ok, now i dun know what to say to her.. n looking to that look (she really hope that i can work with her) i said that i could always find a scholarship... and here i am, looking for a scholarship for master... dah kol jpa, die ckp aku x layak sbb aku bkn budak jpa time degree... pastu skarang tgh try nak kol mosti... tapi ptg td kol, diorang x angkat2 phone.. so i'll try again tomorrow.. if worse comes to worse i'll try for uia scholarship which means i'll be bonded to uia which i'm happy if i'm not.. if nothing appear to be supporting me, then i'll just give up and i'll work first.. dapat keje kerajaan pun best gak.. tapi dgr cite susah nak dpt.. neway, i'll try my best..
p/s: kan best kalo kite dpt ramal mase depan... hmmm...


jayla said...

i can give u one advice.. follow ur heart!! i did it!!! now i am happy with my life.. although i'm not earning as much as people working with government but one thing for sure I'm satisfied with what i hv now..it's hard to find a job with government unless u hv somebody to support ur application.. I've gave up with it long time ago..

~liyana~ said...

there's someone actually.. 'mama' if u can recall... azuan's mom.. but she only willing to help if and only if i pass the exam which i heard is too hard.. neway, i am currently thinking about doing what i am supposed to be.. engineer maybe?? hahaha.. wish me luck..:)

jayla said...

I wish u all the best!! just do it as long as u are happy!!! kumpul duit banyak2 then pegi melancong!! I tell u mmg best gle dh pegang duit sendiri =D