Sunday, May 17, 2009

lOvE mE Or hAtE mE..

i've been longing to write about this.. but it just couldn't be said infront of people, even in my own blog.. but now after awhile.. i thought about this all over again.. who cares!! dis is my blog and i could write wutever i want..

there are a lot of people out there who dun really enjoy what i'm doing.. like the way i communicate, the way i dress, the way i live my life..

you cannot blame me for being blur and sometimes unemotional.. there are times that my mind is somewhere else that i dun pay attention to what you are saying.. but please dun make fun of it.. just imagine people called you by "lembap" for so many times.. what will you feel?? so please.. there are sayings that said if you called people by any bad names for 40 times.. it will really happen.. and one more things i lead a simple and normal life.. you can say about all your branded things.. but actually i dun really care!! i will only buy things that i find it nice for me.. i dun buy the name of the brands.. so if sometimes you brag about anything.. i dun have any interest at all.. so please stop..

i know i already put on so many weight.. and my clothes are getting tighter.. well, can you give me times!! i have the intention to change my style.. before this i wear tshitrs that are not fully covered my b*** (upper part of legs..) but now i'm planning to wear long shirt.. but i have a very tight budget right now.. so, please give me times.. and dun put high expectations.. eventhough i want to change my style, i will stick with my perspectives of fashion.. i will only wear shirts that i think suits my personality.. and one more thing.. don't put me under pressure by saying, "liyana, watch the way you dress.." if you are my mom.. then it is ok..

hmm.. sometimes i went back to my campus at night.. if my family is ok with that, why should you worried so much.. i really appreciate with the concerns.. but i have reason to do so.. i miss my family so much and by coming back late to campus, i could spend more time with them.. even 1 hour is really meaningful.. at least i could have dinner with them.. and i dun like people to intefere my life with my family.. if my parents says ok, then it is ok.. you don't need to say anything.. tq..