to all robbers in malaysia... please rob anyone house's but not mine!!!! semalam rumahku di masuki perompak lagi... dah berape kali dah ni?? tolongla... my family already grew tired!!!! and the robbers get wilder nowadays... semalam diorang datang merompak pkul 8 pagi... dat time i just arrive at my office.. n in the house were lisa (maid), sofea (norli's baby), imran (norli's son 3 years old) and my mom... my dad went out to pasar dat morning..
the story begins when lisa keluar sidai baju and like always the kitchen door will be left open.. then this two makhlukot (plural for makhluk), enter the house.. my mom was upstairs, just finished taking bath and was trying to find shirt in her wardrobe and suddenly she screams..
"PENCURI!!!!! ADE ORANG MASUK RUMAH!!!!! TOLONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
pencuri tu terus acu pisau (which is our's) kat leher my mom and ragut my mom's necklace.. then he took my father's bag full of our cafe's money collection and went downstairs.. $^*&(*()()_)_.... panjang sangatla.. semput plak nak menaip.. xpela.. sampai sini je la.. hahahahha...but alhamdulillah no one is injured... and we didn't make police report at all.. because we already got fed up and tired...
actually really tired.. when i heard dis news, i just feel shocked for about 1 hour, then i can laugh like normal again..
tapi dat doesn't mean that i didn't care... i do care... but to all robbers no matter what level you are in now, amateur or a proffesional............
please dun go to my house again... my mum and dad are growing older... please have mercy to them...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
money lai lai...

cantik x hp ni.... my dream hp and i'm gonna buy it somedays... i've been working really hard to get extra money lately.. really hard.. everyday i will do over time (OT).. setiap hari balik pukul 11 malam.. n every saturday, i'll do part time as a teacher in a tuition centre.. after finish teaching then i will rush to the Erican Language Centre coz i work as a clerk there for saturday n sunday... huhuhuhu... hebat x.. i dun mind if my back sore, my feet sore coz i know the payment is really good and i'm still young i have the energy.. hahaha.. besides i get extra experience too n dis indirectly can be added in my resume later.. obviously, i can buy more than jus dis hp.. (wink2) hmm... nak beli ape lagi ek? hahaha...
tetapi di sebalik kesibukan yang melanda.. i learn something new n important.. yes very important.. n i would love to share it with u guys....
i work at quality control department n i do inspection thingy.. n the company asked me to wear uniform which when i wear it i 'll look like minah kilang.. but i dun mind wearing it.. i wear it proudly.. but there is one problem.. other's minded about minah kilang..
there was a time when i wear this uniform and go inside a kedai runcit.. i want to buy sweets.. i ask the pakcik..
"pakcik, ade plastik x??"
"nak buat ape??!!" with angry tone..
"saye nak beli gule2.."
"3 biji 20 sen."
then i started counting..
"seringgit 15 biji!!"
like i dun know how to count..
i then give him the plastic full of sweets..
punyela die x percaye..
die bley kluarkan sume gule2 tu balik n count by himself!!
tolong la pakcik, jgn pandang rendah la kat saye n to any minah kilang also.. we got money.. it's not like we want to steal all the sweets!! ingat kitorang ni batak sgt ke??
bukan pakcik ni je.. banyak dah.. asal sy nak pg lunch je.. layanan yang diberi sgt la buruk.. termasuk la pekerja kat kedai mamak.. aduii aii.. penat la macam ni..
that' s the normal routine during weekdays.. weekends?? hampeh.. same je.. keje part time jadi clerk..lagi la..
keje kat english language centre the first requirement that they want is that u can speak english fluently.. n alhamdulillah i got the job easily.. as a clerk.. n students that went there are mostly have terrible english problem.. kebanyakkannye cine cokia.. they speak mandarin most of the time..
if they want to talk to me they will use 8th octave tone.. n of coz they speak bahasa with me coz they dun know my ability.. the teachers also treat me this way.. (only my boss speaks english with me)..
the teachers.. yeah.. sometimes they just throw papers in front of my face.. n kadang2 tu mengumpat me in english.. what @$$^8... they think i'm stupid???!!! the students..?? worst.. mengumpat in mandarin.. then told me that i'm lazy.. if i ask them question (for the sake of being friendly), they will jus answer a little n then jeling... as if i dun have the rights to talk to them.. fine.. next time i will show them what i've got.. hahhaha.. dun think that working as a clerk is a low class job.. i will show them my ability.. just wait n see.. dun judge me by my uniform or my job!!!
hanye tuhan je yang tau betape saye tersangat makan hati dgn sikap masyarakat kite skarang ni.. tapi x pe liyana... selagi kite bley sabar, kite SABAR je la.. asalkan duit masuk.. :P
Thursday, April 15, 2010
x tahan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
penat, penat, penat!!!!!! now i know what it feels like when i'm working!!! i go to work at 8 am and go back at 11pm.. 15 hours a day.. can u imagine that?? waa.. gile ke ini company.... there are loads of work that must be done and most of it are urgent... but, i think i'm getting use of it... kalo inilah suratannye untuk bergelar engineer... i can handle this!!! yes i can!! (no u can't.. baru 3 hari keje dah sakit2 blakang) wawwaawaaa!!!!! help me!!!!!!!!
but i have fun.. i'm working in quality control department... so many drawings to see.. so many product to check.. so many machines can be use.. and so many guys too!!!! hahahah..
keje kat kilang la katekan... what is more fun is i got lots of attention there la.. i just have to open a door to go to the toilet, then all the guys will shout just like they saw me as Siti Nurhaliza... company ni memang gila... i'm scared to be the centre of attraction... cewah..hahaha.. kidding.. not only me.. my girl frens also experienced the same thing..
i have 3 myanmar frens now.. tapi rapat dgn sorang ni je.. his name is TIN... hahahha.. klakar.. otak pun dah macam dented tin... hahaha.. he is my partner.. we share the same table.. he can speak bahasa quite fluent.. sgt kagum..
tapi ayat die tunggang terbalik.. i love to make fun of him.. hahahaha.. n mulut die sangat manis...
dis person is really dangerous.. seriously... sekejap puji comel, sekejap puji mate cantik, sekejap nak balik same2... adui aii.. pening la ini macam..
P/s: to yayang, he is not my taste... jangan risaw...( tapi perlu risaw jgak sebenarnye cos i spent 15 hours a day with him si mulut manis..)
neway, that's it.. this is all about my new life in Genetec Technology Berhad.. ~tata~
but i have fun.. i'm working in quality control department... so many drawings to see.. so many product to check.. so many machines can be use.. and so many guys too!!!! hahahah..
keje kat kilang la katekan... what is more fun is i got lots of attention there la.. i just have to open a door to go to the toilet, then all the guys will shout just like they saw me as Siti Nurhaliza... company ni memang gila... i'm scared to be the centre of attraction... cewah..hahaha.. kidding.. not only me.. my girl frens also experienced the same thing..
i have 3 myanmar frens now.. tapi rapat dgn sorang ni je.. his name is TIN... hahahha.. klakar.. otak pun dah macam dented tin... hahaha.. he is my partner.. we share the same table.. he can speak bahasa quite fluent.. sgt kagum..
tapi ayat die tunggang terbalik.. i love to make fun of him.. hahahaha.. n mulut die sangat manis...
dis person is really dangerous.. seriously... sekejap puji comel, sekejap puji mate cantik, sekejap nak balik same2... adui aii.. pening la ini macam..
P/s: to yayang, he is not my taste... jangan risaw...( tapi perlu risaw jgak sebenarnye cos i spent 15 hours a day with him si mulut manis..)
neway, that's it.. this is all about my new life in Genetec Technology Berhad.. ~tata~
Thursday, April 1, 2010
aku budak "bahan".. got any problem wit dat??

post ni ditujukan untuk seseorang.. coz i cannot tell him straight to the face, so here it goes..
well, i'm material engineering student...
so what??
n i hate narrow-minded person like u..
u always underestimate me whether u realize it or not ...
tell u what..
u should be ashamed for ur self..
u're too proud to be an engineering student but u have ZERO knowledge about it..
too proud of your own world...
too proud with ur oil n gas-industry-dream!!!
hey wake up!!
engineering is not only about oil n gas..
it's wider than dat!!
n stop bugging me about ur oil n gas thingy..
i once asked u about the most important part in oil n gas industry..
n u could not answer it...
what a shame..
i may not know much about engineering either but at least i dun nag about it as much as u did..
fuhh.. selesai!!
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