tension, anger,hatred is all over me right now!!!!! arghhhhh.... i feel like i want to kill all the "semut colonies" in my house...
how people can sumtimes be sooooo nice and sumtimes can be soooooo cruel???? i have a fren( at least i think she's still my fren ) who have back-stabbed me!!!! we, once were best frens.. and then we had a fight.. and after a while i thought that we have already reconcile.... but.... it is opposite... totally opposite... she hates me... i never thought that she still mad... after 2 years?? i've done so many things to make our relationship as normal...
guess i should give up... fed up with all these drama... let it be...
p/s:- thanks to all my family, my frens and my yayang who are always there for me... thanks for all ur supports..
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
~mUst wAtch mOvIEs~

i am a "movieholic" person... does that term exist?? neway, i love3X watching movies... but currently i am broke... so its kinda weird to not go to cinema in weekends.. guess i should keep up this healthy life... u know when u are broke, u tend to appreciate the money that you've got.. that means no movie, no shopping and less going out...:( the very last movie that i've watched is eagle eye... for those who have not watched it as yet, i suggest u to buy the master copy of the pirated dvd... hahahaha...(jgn membazir beli yang ori.. pesanan dari khidmat masyarakat..ngeee:P) two thumbs up wa cakap sama lu.... best3X... hmm... i'm looking forward to watch the transporter 3... but as always, no money no movie... lol... can sumone give me RM 10 for that movie??? i'm dying here like h**l!!!!! i want money!!!! i want to be like the normal me!!! sitting here at home infront of laptop is actually not me!!! wawawwawaa!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
~pAk tAm~
pak tam... although u are old... although u always get sick.. although u are black... I STILL LOVE U!!!!!!!
hehehe.. pak tam is actually my car... dun get confused... black perodua kancil.. i use it to go anywhere.. to campus, to library (mak dgr mesti bangge.. hehehe), for dating, to meet up frens... pak tam has reached almost 10 years... it was inherited from my mother to my sisters norli, then laila, then nabilah and then ME!! but lately he always have problems... first,the air-cond vessel was leaking... but then my dad changed the vessel for RM160... later, he need to be service as it has been almost a year he didn't.... and then one of the wheel is always flat maybe there's a nail on it... so i plan to 'tampal' the wheel.. but laterla... after my ptptn come in...(eventhough it only costs RM5..) and all the wheels need allignment... which i dun know how much does it cost... and TODAY pak tam does not want to start the engin!!!! why pak tam.... why????!!!hmmm.. the battery and the head of battery is still new... maybe the starter..
i already sent him to the clinic.. hope he will get well by tommorrow morning coz tomorrow i have to meet my frens... i already promised them...well, pak tam... i just want you to know that i care about you...:)
hehehe.. pak tam is actually my car... dun get confused... black perodua kancil.. i use it to go anywhere.. to campus, to library (mak dgr mesti bangge.. hehehe), for dating, to meet up frens... pak tam has reached almost 10 years... it was inherited from my mother to my sisters norli, then laila, then nabilah and then ME!! but lately he always have problems... first,the air-cond vessel was leaking... but then my dad changed the vessel for RM160... later, he need to be service as it has been almost a year he didn't.... and then one of the wheel is always flat maybe there's a nail on it... so i plan to 'tampal' the wheel.. but laterla... after my ptptn come in...(eventhough it only costs RM5..) and all the wheels need allignment... which i dun know how much does it cost... and TODAY pak tam does not want to start the engin!!!! why pak tam.... why????!!!hmmm.. the battery and the head of battery is still new... maybe the starter..
i already sent him to the clinic.. hope he will get well by tommorrow morning coz tomorrow i have to meet my frens... i already promised them...well, pak tam... i just want you to know that i care about you...:)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
why boys are weird??
why they love football??? why they love to go fishing?? why they spent hours for dota??? why smoking?? why going out late night just to lepak at mamak stall??
i really dun get it.. let see...
1) they have to chase a ball which sumtimes end up with injuries...
2)return home with mud and sweats all over their body.. yikes!!! then ask their moms to wash the clothes.. (terrible)
3)watching late night match till 5 am?? then of coz they will skip subuh prayer...
1)my boyfren loves this one.. until now i still could not understand what the benefit behind dis.. waiting for hours and get nothing??
2)and if he get a fish then he will release the fish back... what is that all about?? after a long wait??
3)if he get a big fish then he will bring it to a restaurant and ask the cook to cook it.. and when they finish eating the fish, they will capture a pic.. how cruel is that??
p/s: yayang dun be angry if i say these..
4)after all... release fish cannot... eat the fish also cannot... why dun you just stop fishing??:P
playing dota(dis one goes to ayen)
1)playing dota instead of studying when the exam just around the corner??
2)spending hours in the cc and make your eyes sore??
1) boys.. they do know that dis is harmful... but they still could not stop the habit..
2)and it is totally uncool to smoke in front of ur girlfren.. totally rude..
3)spending so many penny but get no benefit..
lepak at mamak stall
1)lepaking and chit-chating until 5 am.. i wonder what they are talking about..
2)won't their parents worried??
i really dun get it.. let see...
1) they have to chase a ball which sumtimes end up with injuries...
2)return home with mud and sweats all over their body.. yikes!!! then ask their moms to wash the clothes.. (terrible)
3)watching late night match till 5 am?? then of coz they will skip subuh prayer...
1)my boyfren loves this one.. until now i still could not understand what the benefit behind dis.. waiting for hours and get nothing??
2)and if he get a fish then he will release the fish back... what is that all about?? after a long wait??
3)if he get a big fish then he will bring it to a restaurant and ask the cook to cook it.. and when they finish eating the fish, they will capture a pic.. how cruel is that??
p/s: yayang dun be angry if i say these..
4)after all... release fish cannot... eat the fish also cannot... why dun you just stop fishing??:P
playing dota(dis one goes to ayen)
1)playing dota instead of studying when the exam just around the corner??
2)spending hours in the cc and make your eyes sore??
1) boys.. they do know that dis is harmful... but they still could not stop the habit..
2)and it is totally uncool to smoke in front of ur girlfren.. totally rude..
3)spending so many penny but get no benefit..
lepak at mamak stall
1)lepaking and chit-chating until 5 am.. i wonder what they are talking about..
2)won't their parents worried??
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
underneath my kindness..:P
today i'm helping out my dad in the office... we have to install 500 clocks.. company ape ntah yang mintak... basically keje die senang je... just paste the face of the clock, letak jarum jam, letak cermin then just screw them up!!! but it kind of tedious coz sumtimes the clock engine is not working or there's sumthing wrong with the jarum.. tadi pun out of 500 clocks, ade 6 clocks yang bermasalah... alhamdullillah nak siapkan kerje tu just makan mase 2 hari je... i dun ask for any tips from my dad... as long as he gave me the money for petrol and money for lunch is enuf... kerja sukerela la ni kirenye... tapi time nak balik hari tu, i saw a nice red watch in the display area (at my father's office)... hahaha... cube teke ape yang berlaku selepas itu?? i took the watch and ask my father if i can take it!! and he said, why not?? wah.... hepi giler time tu... actually, the watch had been in the display area for almost 10 years!! i always dreamt to have the watch since i was in primary school... tapi takut nak mintak kat my dad.. sebab mase tu jam tu baru lagi.. hehehe... and not only i got my dream watch, i also got an executive 2009 planner... my father said it was an extra from the previous project... kesimpulannye, although i didn't get any tips but i get 2 things that i really wanted and needed... thanks dad...:)

~mE pAstIng thE clOck fAcE~

~nAdIA bEngEk AlsO jOInEd~

~thE Old clOck fAcE And thE nEw clOck fAcE~

~OnE Of thE dIsplAy ArEA~

~2009 ExEcUtIvE plAnnER~
~ thE wAtch~
~mE pAstIng thE clOck fAcE~
~nAdIA bEngEk AlsO jOInEd~
~thE Old clOck fAcE And thE nEw clOck fAcE~
~OnE Of thE dIsplAy ArEA~
~2009 ExEcUtIvE plAnnER~
~RuMaH IDaMaNKu~

lepas kes landslide kat bukit antarabangsa hari tu... rase takut plak nak own a mansion up on the hill.. hahha.. (macamla dapat kawen ngan dato') of course people always want the best for their permanent dwelling and have a nice view and all that... but we need to give the priority to our safety first... kalo kat bukit x bley habis tu kat mane yang best?? kat tepi pantai best gak tapi kalo tetibe tsunami... haduuuiii.... susahnyer nak buat rumah.. architect ngan kontraktor lagi pening... hahaha... tapi to tell the truth i like a house which situated far away from other people.. hahaha... macam kera sumbang la plak... tapi cube imagine... tinggal kat satu rumah yang orang lain x kenal kite... kite buat hal sendri... just you and ur family... wahhh.... besh... tapi my dream house mesti:-
1) besar... senang anak2 nak main lari2...
2)mesti ade element kayu... macam ala2 bali..
3)mesti ade taman... hijau pokok bley tenangkan fikiran..
4)mesti ade element air... baru rase sejuk sket...
5)tempat yang jauh dari kebisingan is a MUST.... (x ske tggl kat apartment dan yang sewaktu dengannye..)
hehehe... habisla bakal suami aku... demand sgt.... xpe2.... kite usahakan same2:P
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