i am a "movieholic" person... does that term exist?? neway, i love3X watching movies... but currently i am broke... so its kinda weird to not go to cinema in weekends.. guess i should keep up this healthy life... u know when u are broke, u tend to appreciate the money that you've got.. that means no movie, no shopping and less going out...:( the very last movie that i've watched is eagle eye... for those who have not watched it as yet, i suggest u to buy the master copy of the pirated dvd... hahahaha...(jgn membazir beli yang ori.. pesanan dari khidmat masyarakat..ngeee:P) two thumbs up wa cakap sama lu.... best3X... hmm... i'm looking forward to watch the transporter 3... but as always, no money no movie... lol... can sumone give me RM 10 for that movie??? i'm dying here like h**l!!!!! i want money!!!! i want to be like the normal me!!! sitting here at home infront of laptop is actually not me!!! wawawwawaa!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
muvee..muvee..muvee..hahaha..liyana mmg suke tgk muvee..then she alwayz up to date with a new song or muvee..but me is little bit different from her..hehehe..ye la,sumtime kite kene ade yg opposite ngn our partner kn..baru x boring..hehehe..but she is a kind of window shopping gurl..she's very like to jln2 at shopping mall and window shopping..thing that she most like to window shopping is a women shoes..everytime we went to shopping mall..she alwayz try a new pattern shoes that she like..hahaha..then lg satu..mayb ramai bf x bwt mcm i bwt kot..hahaha..i alwayz helping her to find her shirt or cloth when there have a sale..sumtime, tgh2 crowded ramai gile gurl kt tmpt baju tu..then, i'll be there wit her cari baju yg lawa2..hehehe..for me it is so fun coz she like me do like dat..hahaha..
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