today i'm helping out my dad in the office... we have to install 500 clocks.. company ape ntah yang mintak... basically keje die senang je... just paste the face of the clock, letak jarum jam, letak cermin then just screw them up!!! but it kind of tedious coz sumtimes the clock engine is not working or there's sumthing wrong with the jarum.. tadi pun out of 500 clocks, ade 6 clocks yang bermasalah... alhamdullillah nak siapkan kerje tu just makan mase 2 hari je... i dun ask for any tips from my dad... as long as he gave me the money for petrol and money for lunch is enuf... kerja sukerela la ni kirenye... tapi time nak balik hari tu, i saw a nice red watch in the display area (at my father's office)... hahaha... cube teke ape yang berlaku selepas itu?? i took the watch and ask my father if i can take it!! and he said, why not?? wah.... hepi giler time tu... actually, the watch had been in the display area for almost 10 years!! i always dreamt to have the watch since i was in primary school... tapi takut nak mintak kat my dad.. sebab mase tu jam tu baru lagi.. hehehe... and not only i got my dream watch, i also got an executive 2009 planner... my father said it was an extra from the previous project... kesimpulannye, although i didn't get any tips but i get 2 things that i really wanted and needed... thanks dad...:)
1 comment:
bengek~~ ko tade kwn eh?? haha~~ bdk uia sume baik2~ takde mase nak blogging2 ni~~ko sorang je =p
btw, apsal plak muke akak ade dlm nih?
muke mcm tgh hi plak tuh~
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