Tuesday, December 29, 2009
hati terbakar
my class had planned class trip to port dickson dis friday (3 days 2 night trip)... i already paid up.. almost every student had paid up.. suddenly... 2 of my classmates want to pull out... with no reason... we already booked the hotel... the problem is, the person who promised to contribute his car pulled out!!!! u see... i already cancelled my trip with my family just to be in dis trip becoz i'm also contributing my car.... i feel like i had the responsibility... if i dun go, then several others cannot join... %$^^*&*((... LU PIKIR LA SENDRI
Friday, December 4, 2009
who wants iPhone????!!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
throb like it will drop and it won't stop untill it pop..
waaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart beating so fast.. today my result should come out at 4 pm sharp.. but untill now (it's already 10.32pm) the page that will display all the truths won't pop out.. all my frens already seen their result... i'm afraid i entered the wrong password.. but as far as i concern, the one that i enter for zillions time is correct oledi... why huh?????
Monday, November 30, 2009
off you go...
well, starting from tomorrow i have no maid anymore.. great... if she's around, she only give my dad headache.. hahahha.. my dad just had a big war with that indonesian maid... what my dad asked her to do, she will never do.. not only that, she is pretty much rude i can say.. she will and always will have the guts to fight back when my dad scolded her.. for example..
"depan tu dah sapu blum??"
"habis tu kenape saye nampak bulu kucing lagi??"
"itu bukan bulu kucing..."
"itu bulu kucing..!!"
"bukan bulu kucing.."
who cares what is that anyways... can't she just sweep the floor without having to reply every single sentence???!!!
ape dah...
"depan tu dah sapu blum??"
"habis tu kenape saye nampak bulu kucing lagi??"
"itu bukan bulu kucing..."
"itu bulu kucing..!!"
"bukan bulu kucing.."
who cares what is that anyways... can't she just sweep the floor without having to reply every single sentence???!!!
ape dah...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
she must be taught!!!
i have an indonesian maid... but she doesn't know how to do house chores!!! she dunno how to fold clothes properly, dunno how to iron my dad's trousers properly, dunno how to cook and the worst thing is she dunno what to do next!!! if she thinks she dun have anything else to do she will laze infront the tv... hey, wake up!!! i think i do more work than u!!! when there are visitors, she will only sit there and dunno what to do.. n i am the one who made the drinks... u are so lucky bcoz me n my sister dunno how to be bossy... haisy...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
new born..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
baby affan...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
when mom went to perform pilgrim...
when mom went to perform pilgrim...
kakak yati (maid) - has to 100% watch over imran and do the house chores. less tv... hahaha...
atha and wajik (bro in law) - have to take care of their buyong (my pregnant sisters)..
imran - has to depend everything on kakak yati... tok mak is not around to play with...
nadia - has to study harder for her goal.. currently not at home..
me - has to manage the house chores when kakak yati is not around.. masukkan baju kat laci....
masak... blablabla... and drebar for both mak buyong when the husbands are not around...
nabila - being tortured by her ex-boss... working n mereput n b'gayut on phone...
lela - mak buyong junior.. counting on the days to deliver her first baby... currently staying at our house...
nolee - mak buyong senior.. counting on the days to deliver her second baby... currently have difficulties while sleeping...
ayah - last but not least, the saddest creature in this house.. currently like to hear very3x sentimental music.. (only instrument with very sad tone) and watch people perform pilgrim in youtube... keep updating us about mom.. and had drawn a clock which indicate our mom's time in medina... and always ask me to bring him to the cinema to watch movie.. he even said, "movie hindustan pun x pela.."... ayah.. ayah... baru sehari mak x de.. adui aii....
neway i hope my mom will arrive home safely..
kakak yati (maid) - has to 100% watch over imran and do the house chores. less tv... hahaha...
atha and wajik (bro in law) - have to take care of their buyong (my pregnant sisters)..
imran - has to depend everything on kakak yati... tok mak is not around to play with...
nadia - has to study harder for her goal.. currently not at home..
me - has to manage the house chores when kakak yati is not around.. masukkan baju kat laci....
masak... blablabla... and drebar for both mak buyong when the husbands are not around...
nabila - being tortured by her ex-boss... working n mereput n b'gayut on phone...
lela - mak buyong junior.. counting on the days to deliver her first baby... currently staying at our house...
nolee - mak buyong senior.. counting on the days to deliver her second baby... currently have difficulties while sleeping...
ayah - last but not least, the saddest creature in this house.. currently like to hear very3x sentimental music.. (only instrument with very sad tone) and watch people perform pilgrim in youtube... keep updating us about mom.. and had drawn a clock which indicate our mom's time in medina... and always ask me to bring him to the cinema to watch movie.. he even said, "movie hindustan pun x pela.."... ayah.. ayah... baru sehari mak x de.. adui aii....
neway i hope my mom will arrive home safely..
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

last 4 days, my roomate had suggested me to open an online boutique business and she wants to be my partner.. we already found the supplier..n i'm deadly serious about dis.. jus dis tiny little problem...
i'm afraid my parents will not allow me to do so.. i really hope i can successfully convinced them.. i enjoy doing business and i like fashions too... furthermore, the clothing that i'm going to sell are really in trend nowadays.. especially for muslimah youth... n i bet anyone who look at it, will definitely want one.. it's sooooo eye catchy and sooooooo remaja.... hahahha...
this one is for your first peek... till then... wish me luck,k??

Sunday, October 11, 2009
mengapa, siapa, bagaimana, bila???? kenape!!!!!!
last friday, when i was approaching my car to go to class... one of my fren said,"lyana, kenape kete awak nampak kemek??" immediately as fast as light can go, i put my full attention to my beloved car ( 10 000x magnification)... then...
"HAH!!! WHAT THE @$^^&&&%^&!!!!!"
my car is really kemek... at first i thought it was just the reflection of the ultraviolet... but then, i checked and checked at every sides and GOD!!!!! i felt like crying at the very moment... kemek, another kemek,then another kemek and another kemek!!!!!!! 4 places!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what on earth did my car experienced dat nite... i wonder if my car could talk... tell me who did dis!!!! i checked whether there are any possibility that something hit on him... but no!! there's no tree nearby, there is only drain!!!!
maybe because of the new paint i chose for him... last time i decided to paint the car into silver... mercedez silver... the original colour... does that colour absorbed more heat thus make my car dent?? but it is not possible... i mean, the car roof is still fine..
another thoughts came to my mind... does someone hate me?? hate me so much that my car is the only way to release their anger?? oh,GOD!!!! i really wish my car could talk to me rite now.. who did all these stuff????!!!! i really3x dun have any idea.... felt really3x down...:( :( :( :(
"HAH!!! WHAT THE @$^^&&&%^&!!!!!"
my car is really kemek... at first i thought it was just the reflection of the ultraviolet... but then, i checked and checked at every sides and GOD!!!!! i felt like crying at the very moment... kemek, another kemek,then another kemek and another kemek!!!!!!! 4 places!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what on earth did my car experienced dat nite... i wonder if my car could talk... tell me who did dis!!!! i checked whether there are any possibility that something hit on him... but no!! there's no tree nearby, there is only drain!!!!
maybe because of the new paint i chose for him... last time i decided to paint the car into silver... mercedez silver... the original colour... does that colour absorbed more heat thus make my car dent?? but it is not possible... i mean, the car roof is still fine..
another thoughts came to my mind... does someone hate me?? hate me so much that my car is the only way to release their anger?? oh,GOD!!!! i really wish my car could talk to me rite now.. who did all these stuff????!!!! i really3x dun have any idea.... felt really3x down...:( :( :( :(
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Desmond Tutu once said, " You don't choose your family, they are god's gift to you, as you are to them".
Actually i dun know why i chose this quotation.... Maybe becoz of hari raya... well, right now my house is full.. nolee and lela came back and stayed here for 2 days.. our family will be welcoming 2 more new members as nolee and lela are both pregnant.. my house will surely be more choatic next year... as imran's song goes...
"The more we get together the happier we'll be.."
What i really afraid is.... "The Time"... time can change everything wether we like it or not... soon nabila will be married, i will be married, nadia will be married.. what i learn so far is when one of your sibling get married things will change quite dramatically..
first of hari raye for example... not all of us can gather together again... the family picture will not be complete if we are missing one people.. dis year, lela is not on the picture.. next year?? next 2 years?? arggghhhhh...
i really miss my childhood time.. where my parents are still young... my sisters are not married yet... where the family bonds are so so so strong... the family picture is complete...
but family is really a gift from god... i really appreciate having a family like mine.. my parents have treated me so kindly, and gently compared to any family i know.. i cannot imagine having very strict parents... maybe i will turn out into someone else.. thanks God for this gift...
Actually i dun know why i chose this quotation.... Maybe becoz of hari raya... well, right now my house is full.. nolee and lela came back and stayed here for 2 days.. our family will be welcoming 2 more new members as nolee and lela are both pregnant.. my house will surely be more choatic next year... as imran's song goes...
"The more we get together the happier we'll be.."
What i really afraid is.... "The Time"... time can change everything wether we like it or not... soon nabila will be married, i will be married, nadia will be married.. what i learn so far is when one of your sibling get married things will change quite dramatically..
first of hari raye for example... not all of us can gather together again... the family picture will not be complete if we are missing one people.. dis year, lela is not on the picture.. next year?? next 2 years?? arggghhhhh...
i really miss my childhood time.. where my parents are still young... my sisters are not married yet... where the family bonds are so so so strong... the family picture is complete...
but family is really a gift from god... i really appreciate having a family like mine.. my parents have treated me so kindly, and gently compared to any family i know.. i cannot imagine having very strict parents... maybe i will turn out into someone else.. thanks God for this gift...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
my activities during holidays!!!
due to the hypertension that i got from uia, my fren n i decided to take a risk by going out and shopping!! gile ah.. i got selendang, eyeliner and shades.. after i arrived home for holidays, i show them off to my sisters.. n like always jealousy will take place.. hahaha.. we went out for our weekend routine (shopping/window shopping) and they found themselves a perfecto shades for them!! hahaha.. they r truly my loyal follower.. n dis year i think anak dara cik gafar will turn out to be lalat.. lol..
going to bazaar ramadhan is totally my fav thing..
in my place, i will prefer to go to bazaar near tesco kajang.. normally we will buy at least 3 types of kuih.. the chair that is nearest to the window is officially my place.. hahaha... i'm like a boss when it come to dis..
imran is supposed to go to the Little Tots.. but he will cries every time we want to send him there.. he has the difficulties in making new friends.. he cries his lungs out and sometimes he will even puke.. yesterday, he cried and begging not to sent him to little tots.. and we have to agree becoz suddenly his temperature is rising... poor imran.. and he is very close to my mom and dad too... as u can see, even my dad want to fix things, he will surely join in...
p/s: there is one more things that i do during my holidays... guess what?? terawikh.. hehehe...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
wahhh.... syoknye cuti!!!!!! tomorrow i will be back home... really can't wait!! i want to bake cookies for this coming hari raya... my fren already gives me bunch of receipes to try at home...
what made me more excited is my dad had promise me something.. He said he wants to change the colour of pak tam!!! hehehhe... hahahhaaha... huhuhuhuu.... weeeheeeee... (i'm jumping to the ceiling) dis past 3 days, i already do some research on what colour really suit pak tam... maybe yellow... nah.. too bright....maybe blue.... no..... how about green??? yaiks... macam ke**ng je... what about grey?? the one like myvi SE... hmmm... bley tahan gak... suddenly i got a wake up call... "Jangan berangan la yana oiii... Ayah will decide... u never get the chance... in fact, u only the borrower of pak tam..." hahahha...
dat's all folks.. i'll be updating soon... since i'm in holiday!!!!!! weeehOOOOOOO!!!!!!
p/s: been crazy about ss501 lately... damn hot!!! please see the MUST WATCH on ur right,k??
what made me more excited is my dad had promise me something.. He said he wants to change the colour of pak tam!!! hehehhe... hahahhaaha... huhuhuhuu.... weeeheeeee... (i'm jumping to the ceiling) dis past 3 days, i already do some research on what colour really suit pak tam... maybe yellow... nah.. too bright....maybe blue.... no..... how about green??? yaiks... macam ke**ng je... what about grey?? the one like myvi SE... hmmm... bley tahan gak... suddenly i got a wake up call... "Jangan berangan la yana oiii... Ayah will decide... u never get the chance... in fact, u only the borrower of pak tam..." hahahha...
dat's all folks.. i'll be updating soon... since i'm in holiday!!!!!! weeehOOOOOOO!!!!!!
p/s: been crazy about ss501 lately... damn hot!!! please see the MUST WATCH on ur right,k??
Sunday, August 30, 2009
quiz, assignment,project, midterm....:(
i'm so sick n tired of them.. how to get rid all these things ek?? before raye (in 2 weeks time) i have 3 midterms, 2 projects, 1 assignment.... they always come in packages... once they r gone, comes another packages... do student have to suffer dis much??
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
yay!! i just went back from kiki and nina birthday celebration.. i knew them from caring club... Well, the club has organised this event.. my stomach is so full right now!!! i ate 3 ketul ayam and 2 sausages!!! yummy!!! thanx to those who invite me!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
liyana's pizza..
today, my mother asked me to make pizza bread.. because that is my expertise, she asked me to make two doughs.. one for nadia and her housemates and another one is for the whole family.. though it was very3x tiring, i enjoy making it... imran my nephew also enjoy watching me sieving the flour... he said,"eh, auntie buat ape 2?? auntie buat pasir ke??" that's imran.. always asking questions.. and what i learn today is.. high protein flour makes a fluffier dough compared to bread flour.. tell then.. buzz out~~
Monday, July 6, 2009
how 2 be slim??
i just read about this article.."langsing dengan nombor??" yeah.. to those who want to have an hourglass body, better check these out..
1) 1 senduk nasi
-wut the #%%&0*&!!! i used to have 2 and half senduk!!!
2)1 gelas jus
-i will only drink jus when my father made it..
3)2 biji epal
- no wonder nadiah bought apples.. maybe she already read dis article..
4)2 susu gelas setiap hari
-yaikss!!!!! hate susu...
5)3 keping roti
-why not 3 bungkus nasi lemak?? lol..
6)5 minit tarik nafas
-wah... i feel like learning how to swim...
7)jam 7 untuk makan malam
-dis seems easy.. yup... no problem..
8)8 gelas air kosong
-wah.. dis one is so hard... if air coke, then i'll be the first to try..
9)9 anak tangge
-i feel like i'm an idiot...
10) 10 minit regangan
-dis one might be easy........
11)14 cawan teh seminggu
i dun drink teh.. tq..
12)28 hari atur pemakanan sihat
-dis article is getting tooo demanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i think i better take one step at a time.. yeah.. 1 senduk nasi... insyaAllah.. but no promises though...hehehhe:P
1) 1 senduk nasi
-wut the #%%&0*&!!! i used to have 2 and half senduk!!!
2)1 gelas jus
-i will only drink jus when my father made it..
3)2 biji epal
- no wonder nadiah bought apples.. maybe she already read dis article..
4)2 susu gelas setiap hari
-yaikss!!!!! hate susu...
5)3 keping roti
-why not 3 bungkus nasi lemak?? lol..
6)5 minit tarik nafas
-wah... i feel like learning how to swim...
7)jam 7 untuk makan malam
-dis seems easy.. yup... no problem..
8)8 gelas air kosong
-wah.. dis one is so hard... if air coke, then i'll be the first to try..
9)9 anak tangge
-i feel like i'm an idiot...
10) 10 minit regangan
-dis one might be easy........
11)14 cawan teh seminggu
i dun drink teh.. tq..
12)28 hari atur pemakanan sihat
-dis article is getting tooo demanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i think i better take one step at a time.. yeah.. 1 senduk nasi... insyaAllah.. but no promises though...hehehhe:P
Thursday, July 2, 2009
rEsErVoir of tHouGhts..
due to the boringness i've loads of thoughts that entangled in my mind.. i've been thinking... raye is just around the corner.. when i will be able to do the shopping?? what should i buy??
a pair of baju kurung is enuf..
tudung is a must..
one t-shirt..
one blouse..
and what else???
hmmm.. what else... come on... think2..
ha........ jeans.... i need a jeans or jean?? hehehe...
shoes??? nah... my last year heels is still beautiful as she will forever...
will RM250 be enuf?? enuf la.. should be enuf.. kasi cincai kire la tu...
till then.. buzz out~~
a pair of baju kurung is enuf..
tudung is a must..
one t-shirt..
one blouse..
and what else???
hmmm.. what else... come on... think2..
ha........ jeans.... i need a jeans or jean?? hehehe...
shoes??? nah... my last year heels is still beautiful as she will forever...
will RM250 be enuf?? enuf la.. should be enuf.. kasi cincai kire la tu...
till then.. buzz out~~
Thursday, June 25, 2009
fuhh... the most terrible day had gone.. 23rd june.. i sat for two exams in one day... and i already ronggeng for two days.. but i haven't said something that i wish i could said to those people..
1)to Dr.Sazzad: sir... whyla sir....??? why the questions were really damn difficult.. one question= 4 pages solutions... and the time was limited... no wonder u raise our carry mark.. the final exam makes everyone cries u know... and when i meet u the other day to ask questions, u always said " u should know this.." the problem is, I know nothing!! dat's why i need your consultation... and your Bangladesh accent is so difficult to understand sir...
2)to Bro.Hasin: bro.... u owe us an explanation... you are suppose to help us... as the tutor for the hardest subject, you should be responsible.. u always cancel our tutorial class on the last minute... and always promise to have a make up class... but what have you done..???? there were so many topics that left untouched..
3)to Dr.Fatmir: sir, i'm so sorry.. i was soooooooo afraid of maths subject that i neglect your subject.. i dun have time to memorise... i just read the notes without memorising.. i thought the final exam question is more to kbkk..(kemahiran berfikir and blabla...) i never thought that the questions to be very direct.. it needed memorisation.. if you fail to memorise it then u are in danger..(nak goreng pun x bley beb..) sorry again..
4) to atia, cik tun and mastura: we've done our best for the finals.. never mind.. just enjoy our holiday to the fullest.. neway, i had a great time with u guys dat nite.. hehehe.. ronggeng2.... mcm orang gile..hehehe...
p/s: our examination result will be issued on july the seventh... wish me luck!!!
1)to Dr.Sazzad: sir... whyla sir....??? why the questions were really damn difficult.. one question= 4 pages solutions... and the time was limited... no wonder u raise our carry mark.. the final exam makes everyone cries u know... and when i meet u the other day to ask questions, u always said " u should know this.." the problem is, I know nothing!! dat's why i need your consultation... and your Bangladesh accent is so difficult to understand sir...
2)to Bro.Hasin: bro.... u owe us an explanation... you are suppose to help us... as the tutor for the hardest subject, you should be responsible.. u always cancel our tutorial class on the last minute... and always promise to have a make up class... but what have you done..???? there were so many topics that left untouched..
3)to Dr.Fatmir: sir, i'm so sorry.. i was soooooooo afraid of maths subject that i neglect your subject.. i dun have time to memorise... i just read the notes without memorising.. i thought the final exam question is more to kbkk..(kemahiran berfikir and blabla...) i never thought that the questions to be very direct.. it needed memorisation.. if you fail to memorise it then u are in danger..(nak goreng pun x bley beb..) sorry again..
4) to atia, cik tun and mastura: we've done our best for the finals.. never mind.. just enjoy our holiday to the fullest.. neway, i had a great time with u guys dat nite.. hehehe.. ronggeng2.... mcm orang gile..hehehe...
p/s: our examination result will be issued on july the seventh... wish me luck!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
things to do a minute after exam...
this tuesday i got 2 paper for final xm... ungs and maths 5.. both carries 3 credit hours.. but now i already have so many things in mind.. not the things that i learnt in class but things to do after the exam..
1) say alhamdulillah
2)walk away from the exam hall without turning back
5)go home
p/s: tapi janganla ronggeng sampai mati..
1) say alhamdulillah
2)walk away from the exam hall without turning back
5)go home
p/s: tapi janganla ronggeng sampai mati..
Monday, June 8, 2009
help me!!!
dis semester i take mathematics 5.. to be specific "complex analysis and partial differential equations".. it's damn hard.. i dun understand why i should learn all this stuff... nowadays computer can calculate everything for us.. just key-in the data and the answer will be pop out.. why we should learn to calculate manually?? what is more worst is our assignment!!!!! we have to do the coding so that the computer can calculate the mathematics problems... the problem is we learn mathematics not programming!!!!!!!! tidaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
it's too early...
tommorrow i'll be attending my cousin's wedding.. she's the same age as me.. and she's getting married tomorrow!!! waa... not fair.. how come she can get married and i'm not.. i'm still studying.. yes... but she is too!!!!! the difference is that her husband-to be is working and my husband-to-be is still studying... lucky her.. eventhough she is the fourth in the family, but she is the first to get married.. hebatla.. neway, selamat pengantin baru to husna and her husband-to-be.. according to my plan, i will be married at age between 26 or 27.. lol.. so many years to go.. neway, just want to inform everybody that this monday is our (Liyana + Azuan Shah) 7th anniversary!!! Yay!! But due to the very-tight-budget, we agree to postponed the celebration.. untill we have plenty of money.. ntah bile la tu..:(
till then.. buzz out~
till then.. buzz out~
Thursday, May 21, 2009
wa.... next week i have to represent my group for group presentation.. it's about how to practice amar makruf nahi munkar.. well.. it's an islamic studies..
i think i have no problem in presenting but the thing is, i dun like the q&a session afterwards... the student in my class love to ask questions.. and they are law students..(menyampah) they like to show off to other student that they can speak and debate fluently... (double menyampah) and their voice tone is soooo irritating, like the whole class want to hear what they are saying.. (plzzz.. class is class, not court) engineering student like me dunno how to elaborate things.. we only know how to simplify the words into point forms.. i think law students are better in words..
till then.. c ya next time..
i think i have no problem in presenting but the thing is, i dun like the q&a session afterwards... the student in my class love to ask questions.. and they are law students..(menyampah) they like to show off to other student that they can speak and debate fluently... (double menyampah) and their voice tone is soooo irritating, like the whole class want to hear what they are saying.. (plzzz.. class is class, not court) engineering student like me dunno how to elaborate things.. we only know how to simplify the words into point forms.. i think law students are better in words..
till then.. c ya next time..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
lOvE mE Or hAtE mE..
i've been longing to write about this.. but it just couldn't be said infront of people, even in my own blog.. but now after awhile.. i thought about this all over again.. who cares!! dis is my blog and i could write wutever i want..
there are a lot of people out there who dun really enjoy what i'm doing.. like the way i communicate, the way i dress, the way i live my life..
you cannot blame me for being blur and sometimes unemotional.. there are times that my mind is somewhere else that i dun pay attention to what you are saying.. but please dun make fun of it.. just imagine people called you by "lembap" for so many times.. what will you feel?? so please.. there are sayings that said if you called people by any bad names for 40 times.. it will really happen.. and one more things i lead a simple and normal life.. you can say about all your branded things.. but actually i dun really care!! i will only buy things that i find it nice for me.. i dun buy the name of the brands.. so if sometimes you brag about anything.. i dun have any interest at all.. so please stop..
i know i already put on so many weight.. and my clothes are getting tighter.. well, can you give me times!! i have the intention to change my style.. before this i wear tshitrs that are not fully covered my b*** (upper part of legs..) but now i'm planning to wear long shirt.. but i have a very tight budget right now.. so, please give me times.. and dun put high expectations.. eventhough i want to change my style, i will stick with my perspectives of fashion.. i will only wear shirts that i think suits my personality.. and one more thing.. don't put me under pressure by saying, "liyana, watch the way you dress.." if you are my mom.. then it is ok..
hmm.. sometimes i went back to my campus at night.. if my family is ok with that, why should you worried so much.. i really appreciate with the concerns.. but i have reason to do so.. i miss my family so much and by coming back late to campus, i could spend more time with them.. even 1 hour is really meaningful.. at least i could have dinner with them.. and i dun like people to intefere my life with my family.. if my parents says ok, then it is ok.. you don't need to say anything.. tq..
there are a lot of people out there who dun really enjoy what i'm doing.. like the way i communicate, the way i dress, the way i live my life..
you cannot blame me for being blur and sometimes unemotional.. there are times that my mind is somewhere else that i dun pay attention to what you are saying.. but please dun make fun of it.. just imagine people called you by "lembap" for so many times.. what will you feel?? so please.. there are sayings that said if you called people by any bad names for 40 times.. it will really happen.. and one more things i lead a simple and normal life.. you can say about all your branded things.. but actually i dun really care!! i will only buy things that i find it nice for me.. i dun buy the name of the brands.. so if sometimes you brag about anything.. i dun have any interest at all.. so please stop..
i know i already put on so many weight.. and my clothes are getting tighter.. well, can you give me times!! i have the intention to change my style.. before this i wear tshitrs that are not fully covered my b*** (upper part of legs..) but now i'm planning to wear long shirt.. but i have a very tight budget right now.. so, please give me times.. and dun put high expectations.. eventhough i want to change my style, i will stick with my perspectives of fashion.. i will only wear shirts that i think suits my personality.. and one more thing.. don't put me under pressure by saying, "liyana, watch the way you dress.." if you are my mom.. then it is ok..
hmm.. sometimes i went back to my campus at night.. if my family is ok with that, why should you worried so much.. i really appreciate with the concerns.. but i have reason to do so.. i miss my family so much and by coming back late to campus, i could spend more time with them.. even 1 hour is really meaningful.. at least i could have dinner with them.. and i dun like people to intefere my life with my family.. if my parents says ok, then it is ok.. you don't need to say anything.. tq..
Saturday, May 9, 2009
glad i met them..
today i went to a wedding ceremony with my boyfren.. i met all his frens.. before this i only hear stories about them.. not a bad one, but a simple one.. like.. "saye pinjam kete boy.." i wonder who is boy... and "piah ajar saye nak buat CAD".. wonder who is piah.. but only in one day i can see their faces all in one time.. hmm... i dun know how to xplain this feeling.. it's like i understand more about my boyfren.. whom he be friended with.. it makes me feel like i am in his other side of life.. nevertheless i felt a little ackward.. seeing girls and boys mingle around like there are no gaps between them.. i am a bit shocked by seeing a girl at the same age as me sit in one chair with her boy- friend.. there are other vacant seat.. plenty of them.. but she chose to share a seat with the boy who is only her classmate..(not more than that) and she wears hijab.. i dunno whether this is normal or not.. maybe i am not used to this kind of relationship.. neway other than that girl, i like my boyfren's friends.. they are so funny and does not make me stiff sitting at the table.. hehehe..:)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
air mineral,air mineral!!!
yay!! i already found a way to earn some xtra money... by selling mineral water.. 80 cents each.. hehehe.. now i feel released.. i can pay my phone bill without any groans.. i have xtra pocket money.. (becoz this 2 months i'm having a short sem.. ptptn will not give anything.. n i will not burden my parents to give me xtra money:) i can fill pak tam tank without any hesitation..
but there are many things i want to buy... iskiskisk...nafsu je 2.. abaikan..
i'm thinking to save the money for hari raya preparation too... hehehe..
but there are many things i want to buy... iskiskisk...nafsu je 2.. abaikan..
i'm thinking to save the money for hari raya preparation too... hehehe..
Friday, April 24, 2009
when imran (my nephew) cries..
today imran cried a lot.. 4 times maybe.. it had been 2 days since he last made his cookies..(b*r*k)hehehe.. and after consuming the medicine from doctor he finally made it.. (with a very difficult-to-explain looks on his face).. and he cried 2 times just becoz of that.. on the evening, i spent my time playing bubbles with him.. but he got too excited and knocked his head on the bookshelf.. poor imran.. then he goes crying again.. after taking bath, he went outside the house.. my mom already lock the door but this genius 2 years old creature can easily open the door.. he ran outside and stumble down.. then he goes crying again... what will he do when he cries?? well first, he will refuse to be touched by me.. "x nak auntie... x nak auntie.." as if i'm the one who has to be blame by his own fault.. then he will demand for my mother.. "nak tok mak... nak tok mak.." and if my mom does not take any action, then only he will demand for me.. imran2X... you're very lucky becoz eventhough u reject me at first, i still want to calm u down.. love u so much!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

hey, to those who have not seen hotaru no hikari...
PLEASE WATCH THAT DRAMA SERIES!!!! fujiki naohito is the hero!!! that drama is the best ever... really3x funny n enjoyable.. i love the hero.. but he is quite old.. nah.. doesnt matter.. 37 years old already.. height 180 and weight 62kg..wa!!! hencemnyer!!! just now only i knew he can sing as well... double3X loves him! neway, i urges u guys 2 see that drama.. no time?? it doesnt matter.. only 10 series..
Thursday, April 16, 2009
help me to lose weight!!!!
argghhh!!! people always talk about my chubbiness!!!!!! hate it!! but its the reality.. i'm 48kg now.. before i enter the main campus i only weigh 44kg.. which means i'm not qualified to donate my bloods.. but now!!! i'm more than qualified... wawawwawa.. i done so many things to keep my tummy looks like marion (the host for one in a million)... i've done yoga,jogging(bluf***) and even mustajab!! but to no avail.. people always says that i should do sit-up.. i've done that too.. and my tummy is still like winnie the pooh.. waawaa.. after sit-up has failed, my fren suggest me to do sit-down.. hahaha.. love that idea.. now i have 3 weeks break from uia and i guess i should try the sit-down technique.. can't wait to see the result!!!:P
Friday, March 20, 2009
imran burfday is coming up...
i'm going back home dis evening because of imran!!! heheheh.. this little boy has very strange ability to make me craving to go back home.. moreover, his birthday is on dis tuesday.. and we are going to celebrate on this saturday insyaAllah becoz all my siblings will be back home to celebrate together..we already bought him a laptop for kids which will teach him abc, maths and others.. i dun know whether he know how to open the laptop or not.. because he is only 2!!! but believe me.. he is very fast-learning kid.. he can sing bunga citra lestari song!!! mantap r imran... and we give him laptop as prevention of him getting close to my laptop... hahaha...
imran will soon become the big brother too!!! my sister is pregnant again... finally imran has a fren..
can't wait to see imran dis evening... untill then.. c ya...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
working with the opposite gender..
waaa!!!! i have to face this same problem since in matrics!!! i'm taking engineering course.. n of course 70% of them are MALE... but i think in matrics was the worst where there were only 2 female student... and about 30 male student... huisyy...
and now, when it comes to do reports for experiment, i have to be very patient with my group members (3 male n 2 female).. if the report has to be submitted on tuesday, they will submit the report on friday!!!! and of course, i will finish my part on tuesday... but when tuesday comes, it will be like this:
"weyh, aku dah siap aku punye part.. korang dah siap ke blum??",I said..
"ooo.... kitorang kene buat ape ek?? kene hantar hari ni ke??",they will said..
"ye r... x pela.. korang pandai2 r cakap ngan pak tam 2 nanti..( our lab instructor who are a black man)",I said..
"ok2 nanti kitorang hantar hari jumaat..",they will said..
hmm.... that's all i can said... sabar je la yana...
and now, when it comes to do reports for experiment, i have to be very patient with my group members (3 male n 2 female).. if the report has to be submitted on tuesday, they will submit the report on friday!!!! and of course, i will finish my part on tuesday... but when tuesday comes, it will be like this:
"weyh, aku dah siap aku punye part.. korang dah siap ke blum??",I said..
"ooo.... kitorang kene buat ape ek?? kene hantar hari ni ke??",they will said..
"ye r... x pela.. korang pandai2 r cakap ngan pak tam 2 nanti..( our lab instructor who are a black man)",I said..
"ok2 nanti kitorang hantar hari jumaat..",they will said..
hmm.... that's all i can said... sabar je la yana...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
it's been a while since i last wrote in my own blog.. hahaha.. lack of time and idea actually...
well, i've been through a lot lately, with myself, my frens, my boyfren and not 2 forget my second boyfren; pak tam..
my problems involving all sorts of emotions.. HAPPY,TENSION,TIRED,PATHETIC,NERVOUS,ANGER... fuhhh... penat siot...
Myself, i'm currently too busy with exams and classes.. imagine.. not a single night, i am in my own room.. club activies, make-up class... pleaseee!!!!!! i need rest...
Myfren, she's currently facing an upside-down emotion, i think... something about her family and also her boyfren.. and i'm really not a good listener.. and sometimes i fell my adrenalin just explodes through my stomach....VUUUSSSHH!!!! hmmm... dah lega... but there is still dis one question still tingling on my mind.... WHY!!!!!
My boyfren, he's dealing with an emotion of "being left alone"... because we rarely meet... and i always stay up at night burning my midnight oil and he is left sleep alone.. well i mean sleep without much conversation before he doze off.. well yayang... it's only dis month.. then we can have a long chit-chat whenever u want.... but yesterday, i already calmed him down... thank god i have him who really easy to talk to and easy to understand me...
My car, well he's now dealing with upside-down emotion too.. sometimes he will act like normal, sometimes he doesnt even want to start the engine.. dis time it is his battery.. waaaa...
There's so many unstable emotions going on lately... maybe because the lunar ecllipse??? or maybe because of the burden that we carry effect our way on dealing with everyone and everything...
well, i've been through a lot lately, with myself, my frens, my boyfren and not 2 forget my second boyfren; pak tam..
my problems involving all sorts of emotions.. HAPPY,TENSION,TIRED,PATHETIC,NERVOUS,ANGER... fuhhh... penat siot...
Myself, i'm currently too busy with exams and classes.. imagine.. not a single night, i am in my own room.. club activies, make-up class... pleaseee!!!!!! i need rest...
Myfren, she's currently facing an upside-down emotion, i think... something about her family and also her boyfren.. and i'm really not a good listener.. and sometimes i fell my adrenalin just explodes through my stomach....VUUUSSSHH!!!! hmmm... dah lega... but there is still dis one question still tingling on my mind.... WHY!!!!!
My boyfren, he's dealing with an emotion of "being left alone"... because we rarely meet... and i always stay up at night burning my midnight oil and he is left sleep alone.. well i mean sleep without much conversation before he doze off.. well yayang... it's only dis month.. then we can have a long chit-chat whenever u want.... but yesterday, i already calmed him down... thank god i have him who really easy to talk to and easy to understand me...
My car, well he's now dealing with upside-down emotion too.. sometimes he will act like normal, sometimes he doesnt even want to start the engine.. dis time it is his battery.. waaaa...
There's so many unstable emotions going on lately... maybe because the lunar ecllipse??? or maybe because of the burden that we carry effect our way on dealing with everyone and everything...
Friday, January 16, 2009
please save them..

salam... this is a reminder to all muslim..
as we all know, palestine is in tremendous war right now... many innocent people are killed.. israeli will never show any mercy... we as muslim had to do something... SAVE OUR COUSINS!!! please pray for their safetyness.. PRAY TO GOD THAT ALL THESE NONSENSE WILL SOON STOP!!!!! avoid from buying their products!! remember, they once had suffered in economy after we boycot them!!!
The body of 6-month-old Palestinian baby Mohammed al-Borai who was killed when an Israeli aircraft blasted buildings in Gaza Strip late Wednesday, lays on the ground in a mosque before his funeral in Gaza City, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2008. Seventeen Palestinians and one Israeli man were killed in less than 3 days.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
arrrrggghhhhh!!!! tension!!!! i was so pissed off with this guy named amir!!!! he was my partner for material lab... we have to make a report regarding "effect of cold working".. apart from him, there are two more guys and a girl who are also my partner for that experiment.... handling these three guys really driving me nuts!!!
amir already finished his part which is only a little compared to others... than he handed the report to me... but when i check his work, i was totally shocked!! he blindly copied his work from the lab manual which is totally UNCOOL becoz it is not the same as what we have done during the experiment... when i told him that he was wrong...
then suddenly he raise his voice to me.... i got pissed off then i raised my voice back like vitas.. arrggghhhh!!!
what's wrong with him!!! does it wrong to correct someone's mistakes???
well i guess.. he was just showing me his ego...
amir already finished his part which is only a little compared to others... than he handed the report to me... but when i check his work, i was totally shocked!! he blindly copied his work from the lab manual which is totally UNCOOL becoz it is not the same as what we have done during the experiment... when i told him that he was wrong...
then suddenly he raise his voice to me.... i got pissed off then i raised my voice back like vitas.. arrggghhhh!!!
what's wrong with him!!! does it wrong to correct someone's mistakes???
well i guess.. he was just showing me his ego...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
~wOrkIng in wEEkEnds!!!!~
yup... i'm at home again.. every weekend i wil be back home from campus.. but only for the first 2 or 3 weeks.. after that, assignments will bombard me without any sympathy... that's how i live as a uia student... huhhuhu...
although i got no assignment yet, but i stil need to work on something else... here's my checklist:-
1) have to sew bag for my roomate.. (she's totally in love with my sister's handmade bag and insisited me to do one 4 her)
2)have to prepare the speech for mc mass gathering astronomy club..(as i am the programme coordinator )
3)have to renew books that i've borrowed via internet..(becoz home is the only source for free internet)
4)have to check on my application as grader at uia...(as i want to earn xtra money)
5)have to help my mum doing the house chores..(becoz she likes to call upon me rather my other siblings when it come to house chores)
although i got no assignment yet, but i stil need to work on something else... here's my checklist:-
1) have to sew bag for my roomate.. (she's totally in love with my sister's handmade bag and insisited me to do one 4 her)
2)have to prepare the speech for mc mass gathering astronomy club..(as i am the programme coordinator )
3)have to renew books that i've borrowed via internet..(becoz home is the only source for free internet)
4)have to check on my application as grader at uia...(as i want to earn xtra money)
5)have to help my mum doing the house chores..(becoz she likes to call upon me rather my other siblings when it come to house chores)
Friday, January 2, 2009
waAAaah.... everybody want a perfect marriage.. but this word really scares me out.. it's not like i dun want to get married or become a spinster... but i really put a high expectation on my marriage sumday.. ngee..(gatal betol..) there are so many marriages out there which end up with a divorce... artists especially... last year abby abadi and norman hakim.. i thought they were perfect for each other... (like the liar couple 'nurul and ajai')... but they had a fight for a very long period.. then came the khalwat issue... but then, abby was pregnant at that time.. so... how can she be pregnant if they had a fight for a long time??hmmm.... i totally blame on norman hakim, the womanizer... enuf about divorce...
hmm... my sister nabilah are planning to have a "cost-saving" marriage by asking me to be married at the same time with her...(senang cite.. kahwin serentak la..) but i dun want it!!!!!
i want that day become a history which i am the only "queen of the day"... hehehe.. (gatal lagi...)hahahaha..
neway, my sister's wedding (laila) is just around the corner... and i will be her bridesmaid.. and my boyfren will be the bestman.. waa.. how sweet... hehehe..(gatal sgt..) hope their marriage will never end... and i was looking forward to have a great future with mr.azuan shah.... amin...
hmm... my sister nabilah are planning to have a "cost-saving" marriage by asking me to be married at the same time with her...(senang cite.. kahwin serentak la..) but i dun want it!!!!!
i want that day become a history which i am the only "queen of the day"... hehehe.. (gatal lagi...)hahahaha..
neway, my sister's wedding (laila) is just around the corner... and i will be her bridesmaid.. and my boyfren will be the bestman.. waa.. how sweet... hehehe..(gatal sgt..) hope their marriage will never end... and i was looking forward to have a great future with mr.azuan shah.... amin...
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